For Local Business

Let’s put your business into the pockets and purses of 10,000 Oregon Coastal Travelers.

We started this project because we love living here on the Oregon Coast, and we love supporting Local Business.

As former innkeepers, we understand the seasonal nature of coastal business, and how important it is to maximize sales during the summer months.

And as Marketers, we know just how important it is to get yourself in front of the right people at the right time with the right message.

Each of our Coastal Travel Stop displays has spots for 30 sets of cards, with 50 cards per spot. Unlike large brochure racks, our display feature only vetted, hand selected business and attractions.

Importantly, because of our exclusive vetting process, we only allow ONE advertiser in any given category. So, if selected, there will be zero competition for your business.

The cards themselves are individually designed by two of the Top Branding and Marketing Experts in the Northwest, ensuring that your card has maximum impact.

We are building a network of Hospitality Partners who feature our displays prominently where travelers can easily find them.

If you are interested in receiving an invitation to join this exciting revolution in Coastal Marketing contact us at [email protected] now.

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